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locum tenens是什么意思

发布时间:2021-04-13 作者: 英语查

locum tenens 是什么意思


(pl. locum tenens tenentes) 代理牧师;代理医师。
locum:    n. 〔口语〕 = locum tenens.
someone (physician or clergyman) who substitutes temporarily for another member of the same profession


1.And old barlow the macebearer laid up with asthma , no mace on the table , nothing in order , no quorum even and hutchinson , the lord mayor , in llandudno and little lorcan sherlock doing locum tenens for him
桌上没有权杖,秩序一片混乱,连法定人数都不足。哈钦森市长在兰迪德诺184呢,由小个子洛坎舍罗克作他的临时代理185 。

2.Timothy harrington , late thrice lord mayor of dublin , imposing in mayoral scarlet , gold chain and white silk tie , confers with councillor lorcan sherlock , locum tenens . they nod vigorously in agreement
曾经连任三届都柏林市长的蒂莫西哈林顿201 ,身穿市长的猩红色袍子,胸佩金链,系着白丝领带,仪表堂堂,与临时代理洛坎舍洛克参议员攀谈着。

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